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nutrition and lifestyle guidance

Part of a healthy lifestyle, in addition to regular exercise, is a healthy diet. A nutrition and lifestyle analysis gives you insight into your diet and lifestyle. During the subsequent coaching you get practical tips and learn to make improvements. This will make you feel healthier, stronger and more energetic in a short period of time. You become more aware of what you can contribute to your resistance and energy level. We give you practical tools to make improvements that are achievable.

Brenda Bas: “Vitality literally means life force, having enough energy to accomplish your plans and experiencing joy in life.”

(video in Dutch)

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How does it work?

How does it work?

The procedure is as follows: after your registration there is an intake where you digitally answer questions about the 5 vitality areas: nutrition, exercise, relaxation, sleep and meaning.

Based on the answers you provided, 3 in-depth coaching sessions of 30 minutes (mostly online) will follow. During the conversations you get a listening ear and then personal advice, tips and coaching on improving your nutrition and lifestyle.

Brenda Bas: "As a natural nutritionist and lifestyle coach, my love for growth processes is important and serving in the coaching of people who want to “grow or change something in their lives.”


When is Nutrition and Lifestyle Coaching for me?

If you have a desire to change one or more of the following areas, a nutrition and lifestyle analysis can help you tremendously:

  • You want to have more energy
  • You want to feel strong and be less susceptible to diseases
  • You want to feel fitter, more vital, and happier
  • You want to have more self-confidence
  • You want to be able to relax more easily
  • You want more balance between your work and private life
  • You want to take responsibility for your health
  • You want a push to start living healthier

Still have questions? Feel free to send a message using the form below or call: 06-12041549.