Also take a look at the frequently asked questions and answers below. Is your question not listed? Then use the contact form.

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Frequently asked questions

How do I sign up?

Signing up is done on this site. You will hear from us within 1 business day.

Do I need to make an appointment or reservation to train?

No. Once you are a member and have had the intake, you can circlefit whenever you want. We are open every day from 06:00 to 24:00. Check with your location when extra assistance is available.

Is 30 minutes of training enough?

Yes. Circle-Fit's circuit training concept is based on the recognised training methodology High Intensity Training (HIT). Here, you train for both cardio and strength. Research has shown that this is the most effective form of training. Due to the efficient way the circuit is designed, you are done after just 30 minutes.

Is it difficult?

No, Circle-Fit circuit training is ridiculously easy. During the intake, we put together a programme based on your training goal. When you come and train, you sign in with your electronic wristband. The equipment recognises you and starts up your programme. The seat and levers automatically adjust to your height and reach.

How do I know when it is time to switch to the next station?

Each machine is equipped with a display. On it, you will clearly see the progress of your training and when to move on.

What kind of people train at Circle-Fit?

Everyone is welcome at Circle-Fit. Trained and untrained; at Circle-Fit, we don't pay attention to age, looks or performance. The convenience of training in a friendly atmosphere is paramount.

Can I train at all Circle-Fit clubs?

Yes. Wherever you are, you are free to train at all Circle-Fit locations.

I have never trained before, how do I start?

Very simple. Call or e-mail and make an appointment. We get you started in 30 minutes. Contact the location of your choice today.

Do I need to wear special sportswear?

No, no special outfit, but at least a T-shirt or top, (short) sports trousers and clean sports shoes. Make sure everything is comfortable.

Can I wear my outdoor shoes at Circle-Fit?

In principle, yes. Always wipe them on the mat at the entrance, though. In case of very wet weather or snow, we may ask you to temporarily bring indoor shoes.

How much can I lose weight with the Circle-Fit programme?

That is entirely up to you. We will put together a programme for you that will help you lose weight. Your burn is very high during and also after strength training. Much higher than with running, for example. Experience also shows that exercising regularly helps you stick to your diet plan.

I would like to eat healthier, but am not sure how. Can Circle-Fit help me?

With Circle-Fit's lifestyle programmes, you will be personally guided in this. We do this in collaboration with FitChef. Click here for more information.

I already exercise at a high level. Does Circle-Fit provide enough support?

Absolutely. Circle-Fit circuit training is great as a secondary sport for improving your muscle strength and stability. You can always find room in your schedule for a 30-minute workout between 6:00 en 24:00. And you are, if you practice an outdoor sport, not dependent on the weather.

My whole body is stiff, but especially my arms. So how do I use a fitness machine?

With our equipment forces your body into a correct movement pattern. This prevents injury. You don't need to be super flexible or fit to start. All you need to be able to do is walk from machine to machine.

I run 5 km twice a week. Will working out at Circle-Fit add any value?

Definitely. Strength training affects your performance in a positive way. Among other things, you activate supporting muscles in the upper body and glutes. These muscles are important for increased walking speed and walking ergonomics. Greater muscle strength also prevents injuries.

I have heart problems. Can I train at Circle-Fit?

Always ask your physician for advice if you are not 100% healthy. You train at your own risk.

From what age can I exercise at Circle-Fit?

Minors aged 12 and over are welcome as members at Circle-Fit. A parent, or guardian appointed by law, must come with you for registration and signing the application form.

Can I train safely at Circle-Fit?

Circle-Fit already provides a safe environment in general. After all, you train in a small-scale club with a maximum of 10 people. After half an hour, your workout is over. And we have taken additional measures on top of that. Circle-Fit provides a hygiene kit (disinfection spray bottle and special wipes) to clean the touchpoints during training. All machines are positioned to ensure the 1.5-metre distance. Upon request, our staff will wear a mask during the intake.

Can I cancel my subscription monthly?

To actually achieve and maintain your goals, regular exercise is important. Circle-Fit has made this extra attractive. Prefer not to be tied to anything? A subscription with the possibility of monthly cancellation is also possible.